Request an Accommodation

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Password must contain the following:
  • 12 Characters
  • 1 Uppercase letter
  • 1 Lowercase letter
  • 1 Number
  • 1 Special character

Before you Begin…

Please Note: We are happy to help you with your accommodation requests, but please keep in mind that accommodations cannot be processed until Excelsior University receives complete documentation of your disability.

Visit Excelsior University's Accessibility Services page for complete policy and resource information, including documentation requirements.

The Online Accommodation Request Process:

  • Complete all the steps on the next page. The form will prompt you for any missing required information.
  • This window is the request for multiple courses during one term. Step 7 asks if you would like to apply for an additional term. If you choose “Yes” and click “Continue”, a new page will appear allowing you to request accommodations for an additional term. If you choose “No”, the “Continue” button will submit the form.

  • Review the summary of your request before it is submitted.
  • Attach appropriate supporting documentation if available.
  • Submit the request.

* red asterisks indicate a mandatory field. 

In addition to determining your eligibility, we may use this information for research purposes.  In no cases, however, will an individual be identified by name in research studies.